Farming goats is a good business because the animals are tough and have environmental adaptive characteristics. Also when properly managed the mortality rates in goat farming are low considerably compared to animals such as birds.
Goat farming in Nigeria has always been on the downward trend especially in the southern part of the country because most of the farm practices subsistent forms of agriculture; even those that tend to go large do it abruptly without proper management practices to ensure optimum production.
I need you to stick with me as I take through how to start a goat farming business in Nigeria. The potential for goat production in Nigeria is high because as a nation we have the population and secondly we have the land, weather, and good source of food for their nutritional needs.
Best Goat Breed in Nigeria
The most popular breed of goat available in Nigeria is the Nigeria Dwarf goat. These goats are about 24in or 2 feet in for the male while the female is slightly shorter. Their maximum body weight is about 35kg. other breeds in Nigeria but which are from other origins include Red Sokoto (Maradi), Alpine Goat, Pygmy goat, Anglo-Nubian, Toggenburg, Saanen goat, etc.
Goat Housing
One of the things you must consider before embarking on goat farming is housing units for them. Goats can be housed either in a pen or in an enclosure with enough space for them to move around.
In the goat housing unit or pen, there should be the following types of equipment: a feeding trough, water trough, silage storage facility, and a sick bay for ill animals. In the construction of a goat house always keep in mind that the animals need enough space to allow them to move around.
Maturity Periods of Goats
Maturity in both male and female goats differs as the male matures faster than the female. However, it’s best and advisable you allow your male goats to get to 12 months before you start serving them with does. While female goats attain puberty between 4 to 12 months of age.
Management of Does
Does on your goat farm should be of the best quality because the quality of does will greatly determine the quality of kids you will get during reproduction. Though does start puberty around 4 months of age and exhibit signs of heat but its best you allow them to attain 8 to 12 months of age before you mate them.
Any doe mated prematurely might have difficulty during childbirth which is a risk to both the doe and the kids. Another reason is that doe mated prematurely stops growing its growth becomes stunted.
Once a dose is confirmed pregnant it’s good she’s separated from the flock 2 months earlier for her to have proper care and to reduce the mortality of the kids.
Sign That a Doe is on Heat
Knowing when your does are on heat will help you to plan or know when to introduce the buck to the doe. There are Signs to watch out for which may indicate that the doe is on heat and below are some:
- Mounting other animals
- Running after males
- Shaking of the tail
- Continuous bleating
- Mucous discharge from the vulva
- Restlessness
Management of Bucks
Buck is a male goat. They tend to grow faster or mature faster than they do, even at that it’s advisable bucks get to 12 months of age before they are allowed to start mating.
A 12-month-old buck can make 10 does at this age while 2 years it can be allowed to service 40 does without his health or nutrition compromised.
Good bucks that are planned for future replication should be selected from the best kids. Kids with good weight from birth and a twice or triplet should be chosen in other for this genetic property to be replicated in their offspring.
Feeds for Goats
In setting up your goat farm feeding is one aspect you can’t do without. Feeding your goat is not just about getting them something to eat but it has to do with providing them with the right and best feeds as this will greatly influence their growth and development.
Below is a List of Things you can feed your Goats on:
- Hydroponic fodder: this is a good source of minerals and vitamins for goats. It’s good for milking goats and also helps in weight gain. This is far cheaper than composed feeds which are always on the high side due to the cost of materials needed for its composition.
- Alfalfa hay. This is a good protein source and one of the best and favorite foods of goats. But serving healthy goats too much of it might be too much of a good meal as alfalfa is high in both protein and calcium.
This hay can be served continuously to lactating does, pregnant, weaning, sick, and young goats as this will help boost their fight against this sickness
- Pasture and forage crops. Pasture and forage crops contain sufficient nutrients and are a delicacy for goats. …
- Grass hay: there are some other hays that will also complement the other foods mentioned above they are timothy hay, orchard, bluegrass, and brome.
- Food supplements for goats: compounding feed for goats might be one of the best ideas for some farmers but personally I found that as a big and unnecessary task to engage in.
Making silage might be the best option especially when you have a large herd of animals and lack an adequate supply of fresh grass to feed them but in a situation where you have hydroponic fodder then the trouble is off your neck.
- Grain: Goats don’t really need grains to survive as they can live solely on hay and pastures all their lives but when a goat is in lactation grains can provide extra proteins; grain can give an extra 10 to 12% proteins which helps boost the milk production in the animal.
Plants You Should not Feed your Goats
All plants might look greenish and edible to human but not all are good for goat consumption. There are many of them but few are actually common in this part of the world so I will mention a few. Cabbage is poisonous for goats, dried beans are not bad but very few should be served them because it makes them gassy while avocados should be avoided entirely.
How to Sell or Market your Goat in Nigeria
Producing or raising animals or its product is not the ultimate especially if you don’t have market for them. The soul of every good business is good marketing. Though there is market for goats in Nigeria as restaurants, fast food joints all demand for it frequently.
Also some household prefer goat meat as compared to the popular cow meat out there because of its unique taste and perceived differences from other types of meats out there.
So to sell your goats you can either create your own market by linking with preexisting sellers who either buys from you or help you sell at a discount. But the best advice is to ensure you have a market before going into the business to avoid your money getting stock in the business.
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