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In this post, I will discuss how to start a vegetable vertical sack farm in Nigeria with little cash. Also, you will learn the intricacies of a sack farm, what you need to set it up, how to set it up, and how to maintain your sack farm.

Over the years farming has developed and moved from one point in technological advancement to another. From tilling the land to other forms of farming such as aquaponics, hydroponics, deep water culture, nutrient film technique, aeroponics, wicking, and ebb and flow systems.

Most of the listed types of farming haven’t found a form of popularity in Africa, especially in Nigeria. Even the vertical farming and sack farming we are about to discuss in this article is yet to gain ground as well.

What you need to start a vertical sack farm

I can say this is one of the easiest forms of farming yet very profitable if you can master the art skillfully. There are few materials needed in setting up your vertical farming system and they include the following:

  • Empty sacks (cement sacks, empty animal feed sacks, or any other sack that is durable can also serve).
  • Compost manure (this can be a mixture of any animal waste you can find around)
  • Loamy soil: getting a loamy soil that has good water absorption rate is a good one
  • Then an irrigation system: this is an alternative if you don’t have time to water them manually daily. A drip system can serve you better
  • Your vegetable seedling or nursery: you can first propagate the vegetables in a nursery, then transplant them into your bags later

How to setup your vertical sack farm

With all those materials on the ground, we can proceed with setting up the farm.

  1. The first thing you have to do is to measure the exact quantity of sand and manure and put them together perfectly. Meaning if you are measuring 2 barrows of sand,d it should be mixed with 2 barrows of manure as well; that’s a ratio of 1:1.
  2. After mixing, fill up the sack bags with the mixture Once this is accomplished,.
  3.  It’s time to place them where you need them to be.  
  4. If you raise your seedling on a nursery bed, then it’s time to transplant it into your vertical sack bag. Ensure you don’t overcrowd the sack bags; you can have an average of 7–10 plants per bag.

Remember that you can make holes on the sides of the bags where you ought to also plant some of your seedlings too.

Now, one thing you should not forget to consider is watering your plants. You can design an irrigation system to serve the plants, unless you want to do it manually.

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